Promoting a Culture of Connection
Our Story
Heartland Workers Center was founded to help unite workers in the meatpacking, construction, restaurant, and cleaning industries to harness their collective power to make positive change where they work and live. From the beginning, HWC has focused on identifying and developing leaders; promoting and advocating for workers’ rights and responsibilities; and increasing civic engagement.
In 2010, the Heartland Workers Center received its nonprofit status. Today we use the Cultural Wealth Model as the framework for our programs, where we develop six forms of capital: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational and resistance. This framework helps us channel the talents, strengths, and experiences of our community members.
We use Core Teams to identify and activate leaders, using the following ten steps
Build Relationships
Step 1
Investigate and Listen
Step 2
Research Issues
Step 3
Deliver Findings
Step 4
Develop Action Plan
Step 5
Execute Action Plan
Step 6
Step 7
Communicate Results
Step 8
Step 9
Assess and Wonder
Step 10

"Never do for others what they can do for themselves."
Saul Alinsky
The Iron Rule of Community Organizing
We want to build a community that works for all.
The Heartland Workers Center develops and organizes leaders, promotes workers’ rights, and fosters a culture of civic engagement in order to build power and create change with immigrant and underrepresented communities.
A community where the collective power is rooted in each individual’s ability to promote, protect, and defend their human rights.

Our Values
Social Justice
Equal Rights
Cultural Respect
Building Power Across Nebraska
HWC has a statewide network of organizers that bring people together to create change in their communities across Nebraska.
We are currently working with organizers in Columbus, Fremont, Nebraska City, Omaha, Schuyler, and West Point.