Building a Community That Works for All
Workers’ Rights
Our Workers’ Rights program builds collective power among immigrant and underrepresented workers to become leaders in their workplace and in civic life.
We do this by:
Training workers to know their responsibilities and exercise their rights, and to improve their working conditions through collective action.
Promoting a healthy and safe work environment for workers and their employers
Organizing workers and community partners to advocate for improved labor policy and greater protections for workers.

“The reason why I feel very proud to belong to the Heartland Workers Center's leadership group it's because the organization is a place where the rights and values of human beings are respected.”
Sandy Tufiño
Workers Rights Core Team Member

Safeguard your team through training from our Health & Safety Training Institute.
Below are responses to common questions HWC receives related to workers rights in the state of Nebraska.
Summary of Your Rights:
In Nebraska, we have what’s called “at-will” employment. That means that unless you have a contract or a union, employers can change your pay, schedule, benefits, or work rules whenever they like as long as they pay the minimum wage and meet minimum workplace standards. Employers can also fire or discipline workers for any reason, or no reason, as long as it is not an unlawful reason like discrimination or demanding their rights. And just because your working conditions are legal, it does not mean they are fair!
In Nebraska, you have the right to be paid the minimum wage of $10.50 an hour* ($2.13 if you are tipped), plus overtime pay of 1.5 times your rate for every hour over 40, per week. You should have regular paydays where you get a pay stub with cash, check, or direct deposit. You do not generally have the right to any breaks unless you work in a factory, or any paid meal times unless you are required to work while you eat.
*Effective January 1, 2024 minimum wage will increase to $12.00 per hour.
Visit the Nebraska Department of Labor’s website for more information or to file a wage complaint.
Your employer cannot discriminate because of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity or sexual orientation), pregnancy, age (over 40), disability, or marriage status. Employers may not take any actions (e.g. hire, promote, discipline, fire, etc.) or set job conditions (pay, training, benefits, work assignments, etc.) based on these things. Employers cannot allow workplace harassment based on these characteristics.
Visit the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission for more information.
You have the right to form or join a union. Employees also have the right to act together without a union to improve their working conditions or protect each other. This includes actions like talking about your pay, hours, and working conditions or taking group actions. Any discouragement or retaliation for engaging in these activities is unlawful.
Visit NLRB for more information.